Installing Today’s Hybrid Pistol Offense Run & Pass from Top to Bottom
This manual provides you with the full offensive line, receiver, and quarterback mechanics for installing each offensive play presented. Coach Campbell has left no stone unturned for implementing today’s Pistol Offense into your program.
We base our defense out of a 4-3 (7,3,1,5) Cover 2. We will be playing a team that is a wing t and they run all the wing t plays plus the midline and the inside and outside veer. We are looking at playing some man free and some zone man under against this team. What are your thoughts.
Can they throw? What are their main formations? Man against an option team all the time can be trouble because your FS would have to get to the pitch man. If a wideout blocks the FS, they are getting 2 for 1. If you can cover them 1 on 1, I would play man / free and mix in some cover 2 or robber. We, however, play a 5-2 most of the time. Maybe others would be more help.
They don't throw very often. Now we are not going in think man under all the time, but as a change up. We will also use our man free cover two, three, and four, skying and clouding to certain tendencies.
The same things win that have always won. We just have a different bunch of excuses when we lose.
If they use a WR to block the FS, the corner can sometimes come up and the FS can cover the WR.
For example, vs weak option, on one call the Corner takes pitch-man, 5 tech. takes QB and FS covers the WR. On another call, the FS takes QB, 5 tech. takes pitch and CB stays on WR. On a third call, the CB remains in man, FS takes pitch and 5 tech. takes QB.
If the FS's assigment varies, the WR will be unsure what path to take to block him and whether or not he should stalk the corner instead. This may also confuse their QB and/or allow for some highlight reel hits (especially from the unblocked FS on the QB).