Installing Today’s Hybrid Pistol Offense Run & Pass from Top to Bottom
This manual provides you with the full offensive line, receiver, and quarterback mechanics for installing each offensive play presented. Coach Campbell has left no stone unturned for implementing today’s Pistol Offense into your program.
This is for anyone who can help me out with these questions.
1. Is it a prerequisite to have played college football to attain a graduate assistant position? (I go to a school without a football team. Thats why I ask.)
2. Is it also a prerequisite to have had experience as a grad assistant in order to coach on the college level. (Is anyone able to do it without this step?)
3. How would I go about seeking a grad assitant position?
4. Is a graduate assistant position easy to come by?
5. Do grad assistants get paid, and if so how much? (I ask this because I will be married by then and if college loans are kicking in and I dont have a job it might be tough.)
Thanks Scott
"The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender" - V. Lombardi