Installing Today’s Hybrid Pistol Offense Run & Pass from Top to Bottom
This manual provides you with the full offensive line, receiver, and quarterback mechanics for installing each offensive play presented. Coach Campbell has left no stone unturned for implementing today’s Pistol Offense into your program.
What are the drawbacks to drinking pop? I tell the kids it is empty calories, bad for your stomach, and that caffeine is not a good thing, but I don't really know why. One of my player's sisters who was some type of ex sci major says there's nothing wrong with pop as long as you are very active. What would you say to this?
It is loaded with sugar, as well as, caffeine, and most of all carbonated water. Carbonated water makes you urinate your electralytes away (notably potassium and sodium) and should never be given on game day at all to drink!
Coach Easton
It is loaded with sugar, as well as, caffeine, and most of all carbonated water. Carbonated water makes you urinate your electralytes away (notably potassium and sodium) and should never be given on game day at all to drink!
Coach Easton
It is loaded with sugar, as well as, caffeine, and most of all carbonated water. Carbonated water makes you urinate your electralytes away (notably potassium and sodium) and should never be given on game day at all to drink!
Coach Easton
Wow! Don't know how that happened, sorry about the triple post. Added thought on this topic; take one sip of coffee or any other high content caffiene drink and within 5 minutes it has reached every majoe organ in your body! As it is a stimulant, that is not good and it also attacks the central nervous system and causes you to have that jittery feeling. You can drink all the decaf you want without any efffects but stay off the "leaded" drinks.
Coach Easton
I didn't know that specifically - that it made you urinate those electrolytes. A professor talked to us about nutrition and hydration in college and claimed that if you drank 12 oz of pop, you would have to drink 24 oz of water just to get your hydration level back to where it was. On a related topic, my girlfriend is a phamaceudical sales rep and pedals an overactive bladder drug. While speaking with a urologist (sp?), she was told that unless you are a vigorous exerciser, you don't really need 64 oz of water a day or whatever is "recommended." He claimed that it was actually bad for you to drink that much as you are overworking your body. That was news to me as I always prided myself on looking at my urine and making sure it was clear before I quit drinking. Not true according to this guy. BTW, I understand most of us exercise intensely, as do our athletes. Just thought it was interesting. There must me something wrong with this thread as you and I are making lots of duplicates, coach.
There is so much "bad info" out there these days on just about any topic you choose to discuss, imo. "Experts" abound, "Consultants" are getting rich! At any rate, Physiology is something that I have always studied and try to stay abreast of the latest findings, etc. to better take care of my athletes. I'm no expert, or a Doctor, by any means! I just try to sift through all the chaff to get to the real wheat of the truth on all the info out there these days.
Coach Easton
Post by gettin_stronger10 on May 12, 2005 14:23:47 GMT
My girlfriend is going to college for nursing and she also said that she learned in one of her classes that drinking too much water is bad for you, and that we don't need as much water as is recommended. IMO athletes should be drinking more water and no pop at all.
I try to sell my kids on the fact that the food/ drinks they choose might be the difference in the ball game if two teams are evenly matched, yes i know that there are many more critical things, but I like them THINKING that they have something on the other team! ....."Lets make our diet an area where WE can gain an ADVANTAGE". They aren't mentally tough enough to pay the price that you are paying, etc. Heck, it teaches discipline and healthy living too.
I believe her because she doesn't know it as yet, but the brand you mention is the highest soda in caffiene content on the market! The poor kid is already addicted to the stimulant and should get help immediately before it gets any worse! I AM TOTALLY SERIOUS IN WHAT I AM SAYING AND NOT KIDDING EVEN A LITTLE BIT.
Coach Easton
Drinking too much coke can (in addition to other indirect causes) lead to osteoporosis because of the phosphoric acid content within it. The acid basically "sucks" the calcium out the bone, causing its density to lessen. This information is especially important for female athletes to know.
Also, drinking a coke (or any caffinated drink) will begin to dehydrate the body. This is especially important to know during our summer/early fall football camps where drinking enough water is so important. Drinking a coke because they are thirsty is one of the worst things they can do...being thirsty means they are already in dehydration mode and then drinking a coke will set them back even farther.
Oh, when I say coke, I mean soft drinks in in the south, it is all referred to as coke.