Installing Today’s Hybrid Pistol Offense Run & Pass from Top to Bottom
This manual provides you with the full offensive line, receiver, and quarterback mechanics for installing each offensive play presented. Coach Campbell has left no stone unturned for implementing today’s Pistol Offense into your program.
Looking ahead to off-season, want to include something I've heard others describe as concentration drills, focus drills or listening drills. What do some of ya'll use? Thanks for the help.
The one we do is a snap count drill. Everyone makes a huge circle around a coach who will give a snap count and go through a cadence. The players will then clap once when they are supposed to do so. We tell them to go on the H and beat the T in HUT.
"The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender" - V. Lombardi
"Goal Line Sit Ups" -- pair everyone up across from their partner and seated hip to hip with the pair next to them. Legs are bent and each player holds partner under their knees with their forearms and hands. You'll end up with a long row of can split them up by class if you side begins on their back while the other side is holding while seated upright...Coach blows whistle...each time whistle is blown, side that began down does 1/2 sit up (from down to up or up to down)..must be done together and fast everytime whistle is blown. Blow the whistle anywhere from 5 - 10 times...if NO mess ups, blow one long whistle, other side prepares to have now moved from the 5 yd line to the 4 yd line...If one guy messes up, they start back at the 5. If you get all the way to the endzone, celebrate big time! Great concentration drill to do at the end of the period. pdow