Installing Today’s Hybrid Pistol Offense Run & Pass from Top to Bottom
This manual provides you with the full offensive line, receiver, and quarterback mechanics for installing each offensive play presented. Coach Campbell has left no stone unturned for implementing today’s Pistol Offense into your program.
We run a 4-2-5 defense that was pretty successful for us last year. Our base coverage was cover 3 but when we blitzed went cover 0. This year I'm interested in being able to change coverages using cover 0 and man free. Does anyone have ideas on how to do this and keep systematic for the kids. One thing that I think makes it difficult for us to do this is the fact that no one we play will use personal groupings. They will go from pro to quads to double tight without any substitutions. So no matter the defensive we call we have to be ready for anything or at least be ready to make some checks at the LOS. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated or steer me towards some resources. Right now I have the nickel defense book I believe by Walker? and Coach Campbell's multiple 40 defense. I guess I feel like I have a lot of good ideas but am still looking at how to put it all together and to answer my what if's?
Here's one suggestion. Have a safe call and a heat call that you will use to any balanced 1-back set (it doesn't matter what the formation is, as long as it is balanced). For example, your safe call to any balanced 1-back set could be jumping into cover 2 and running a line stunt. On the the other hand, your heat call vs the same formation might send both LB's and play man-free behind it. The key to the whole thing is that your kids must be able to recognize a balanced 1-back formation. By havng two calls, you can keep the offensive guys in the pressbox guessing which call you're going to use. I have found that using formation checks at the high school level is the best way to go; most high school teams are somewhat formation-oriented. Calling defenses by down/distance is a crapshoot because offenses will do anything on any down. If you analyze the opponent's offense, you will see what his favorite plays are out of each formtaion and be able to make a call that puts the defense in a good postion. In other words, formation checks will always put you in the best call for any given formation.