Installing Today’s Hybrid Pistol Offense Run & Pass from Top to Bottom
This manual provides you with the full offensive line, receiver, and quarterback mechanics for installing each offensive play presented. Coach Campbell has left no stone unturned for implementing today’s Pistol Offense into your program.
The plays off of it are limitless and the misdirection and stretch from it are great! My question is... is the timing too hard to time up to be successfull?
Timing is not difficult at all. We ran it 10-12 times this past season with very good success. We ran it out of numerous formations but on the sweep it always went to the side the R back was set to. The R back generally takes a slightly wider split. We had him block through the outside shoulder of the DE as the OT work to overtake the DE, then he would work up to the next force player. We put all timing of the snap up to the QB and had absolutely no problems. We would work it basically 5 min a week in practice. At times the defense really stretched it out, our slot simply turned it up inside. We had 2 or 3 that turned up in the PS B gap. Zone scheme up front took care of the DL and LB were running outside. We also faked the sweep with the motioning receiver and ran our R back couter, pulling the backside tackle. Also faked sweep, R back counter, and ran our QB counter. THese 3 together put a ton of pressure on the defense but require no additional practice time for our offense since we already run the R back and QB counters. Hope this is what you were looking for. Let me know your thoughts.
I agree that timing isn't that bad. However, if you don't sell the back on the idea that he needs to be going full speed it doesn't time up right and isn't nearly as productive. We lived on this play along with the trap and counter. We probably ran it 12 times a night, one night we ran it 29 times until they overloaded the perimeter. It's part of a great series...
Did the RB adjust his speed to time up the snap or what? Did your QB have trouble catching the snap and handing it off that fast? I was thinking about the counter, QB counter, QB Iso away, shuffle away, trap, bootleg, playaction, reverse, speed option away etc could all be run off of it! Anybody try any of these besides the counter, trap and iso?
I'm confused on the motion in the fly series out of shotgun. Does the motion man release behind the qB in shotgun or in front of the qb? Are you guys doing it w/ 4 wide? Thanks for the help
the mesh point from the gun is in front of the QB. The misdirection out of this is great! Fake jet and hand the ball off to the back going the other way (power, counter, zone), shuffle pass, speed option w/ the back going behind the Qb while he fakes the jet! You can fit the jet into most offensive schemes.
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