Installing Today’s Hybrid Pistol Offense Run & Pass from Top to Bottom
This manual provides you with the full offensive line, receiver, and quarterback mechanics for installing each offensive play presented. Coach Campbell has left no stone unturned for implementing today’s Pistol Offense into your program.
Hey guys we play a couple of teams that run jet and rocket sweep from double slot formation this year. The go under center and shotgun with set back leading. What successes have you had in defending the jet?
we see some of this in our non league play, the main emphasis for us is to not blitz our backers as much let them flow and use our SS's to keep outside pressure so our backers can clean it up. If they get the edge your in real trouble... hope this helps
Not nearly as scary when there's only one back. With two, there is someone diving up the middle which puts much more stress. I'd put the DE on outside shade, and coach him up on keeping his shoulders parallel to the LOS. You only have one back to worry about, so the inside running game is not as stout as it could be.
Ryan Kelly
Offensive Coordinator
Austin High School
Austin, MN
There is nothing that will show a man's true character like the 2 yard line.
Variety of Fronts vs this look but my advice is to stay balanced as they are and use the FS as the adjustor.
Here goes and its very simple: Blitz the OLB into the Jet/Rocket motion FS is the adjsutor and will play #2 TO the motion
Initial Alignment and if they DO NOT motion: 1. Corners will play #1 2. OLB's will play #2 3. FS is free
Jet, Fade, Zoom, Rocket Motion: 1. Corners will play #1 2. SPUR to motion will ATTACK and play him M/M 3. SPUR Away from motion will sit and cross key other slotback for Truck and wing counter 4. FS will play #2 TO motion. He replaces the OLB that is attacking the motion.
UP backer will fire into the A gap TO the motion Stack backer will play other A gap 3 techs will fire to cut off the pulling guard. Ends will bend when the O-Tackle veer blocks the D-Tackles Jesse will play #2 and if he sees he arcs on the Spur he just fires off C-gap Corner is up at 5 yards and beats the hell out of the receiver who doesn't want to block anyway and plays him M/M in pass.
This is just one look for the Tackles and the Backers. We will run a variety of looks with these 4 guys but the coverage and their responsibilities are ALWAYS the same.