Installing Today’s Hybrid Pistol Offense Run & Pass from Top to Bottom
This manual provides you with the full offensive line, receiver, and quarterback mechanics for installing each offensive play presented. Coach Campbell has left no stone unturned for implementing today’s Pistol Offense into your program.
We run the midline, IV, and OV from the flexbone. We play a 3-5 team this week that bumps its tackles down to 3 techs, walks up the sam and will backers to 5 techs, and walks up the bandits to 9 techs on our slots. Basically they will give us a 7-1 cover 1. Any thoughts or suggestions on how to hurt them?
Iso and/or the old wing-T down play...pull the G, downblock with the tackle, downblock with the wing, kick out with the pulling G and run right up underneath with the FB. Also, if you have a jet sweep/belly play, that can give you a crease, too.
Ryan Kelly
Offensive Coordinator
Austin High School
Austin, MN
There is nothing that will show a man's true character like the 2 yard line.
That defensive scheme you just mentioned is a Double eagled front and because its an odd front I would slot my tight end and run inside veer. Coach CAmpbell
Coach That is a one deep safety team, so therefore you do not have to worry about a Suicide stunt off of the edge or any kind of invert rotation with motion. I would run rocket until the cows come home. You only have a 9 and a CB to block and that is it. Finally, it is also important to use different formations and see how they might align to those formations. For example if you went with an empty set of double wing and trips to one side w/TE and a wing to the other (NUB SIDE) to the other they would have to almost adjust with the nine bumping out to the trips side and now that would leave them with a three and a five. EASY block for the rocket all night long. Hope this helps Coach Wright
We dont lose any games we just run out of time.
Fisher Deberry
With that many defenders up front and the def. running man, I would challenge those 9 techs to cover my wings in the passing game. Also find a corner we can beat. I would think that 4 verticals would loosen them up or play action trying to hit the wing down the seam or on a quick out. Once the 9 techs are thinking pass I would run right at this def. If you can get a good double team on the 3 tech inside veer should be good. Read the 5 tech, pitch off the 9 and get your wing walling from MLB to FS. Also outside veer should be huge with a solid double team on the 5 tech. With only 1 LB, one missed tackle and you are off to the races.