Installing Today’s Hybrid Pistol Offense Run & Pass from Top to Bottom
This manual provides you with the full offensive line, receiver, and quarterback mechanics for installing each offensive play presented. Coach Campbell has left no stone unturned for implementing today’s Pistol Offense into your program.
This is my first official year coaching and teaching at the very tender age of 43. It has been a long road to get where I am but I made it. Although things have not gone exactly the way I hoped it to, this is extremely close to the best job I have ever had (close second behind playing). I feel completed now more than ever since I have become a coach. I have had the awesome privilege during my career as an athlete to be coached by Hall of Fame coaches at every level. Forgive me if I miss one or two but here they are: Dan Hooks - West-Orange Stark H.S. Cornell Thompson - West Orange Stark H.S. Earl Bruce - Colorado State Ron Harms - TX A&M Kingsville Richard Cundiff - TX A&M Kingsville Jerry Campbell - TX A&M Kingsville Jack Pardee - Birmingham Barracudas, Hamilton Ti-Cats, CFL If you can imagine being under the tutelage of these football giants, I learned a lot. What's the best way to translate these experiences to show that I'm not completely new but also not condescending?