Installing Today’s Hybrid Pistol Offense Run & Pass from Top to Bottom
This manual provides you with the full offensive line, receiver, and quarterback mechanics for installing each offensive play presented. Coach Campbell has left no stone unturned for implementing today’s Pistol Offense into your program.
Our offense is 99.9% power-I running. However, I am starting to look into passing more. Are there any suggestions or tips on passing out of the Power-I? Or should I look to pass out of a different formation? This year we have a good mobile QB with good arm and a sound wr.
Unless you're ready to really expand your offense I wouldn't just put in formations to pass from. I'd keep with similar looks to what you are already doing, and then from there you can maybe start expanding out.
Anyway, I'd begin by expanding passes off your existing run actions. The easiest are naked bootlegs where the QB has a quick outlet to throw away (like one of your FBs, or your TE) along with a second and maybe third option further down the field to go along with the thread of your QB running.
Then I'd work on some playaction. Somthing like sending your WR on a hook, letting your tailback check through to LB and curl over the middle and sending your offset FB to the flat seems like a good place to start. Your other FB can stay in.
From there you should expand your 3-step/quick game, which I'm sure you do. The hitch,slant, fade, etc. The hitch and the hitch and go should be bread and butter for any power I team. You probably see a lot of cover 3.
Just be creative. I'd stick to your run actions mostly, and then from there maybe you can begin to expand. Good luck.
We ran this play all through school and a couple of years when I coached the Power I and I honestyl don't ever remeber it not being open!
Off of Iso action, Playside TE runs a corner route, Power goes through the line looking like Iso and breaks to the flat, FB sets up in the hole looking blitz to backside, TB fakes Iso and picks up anything off the edge. I really don't think the TE ever got covered on this play and if it happened then the second look was the back in the flats. 3rd look was the backside Post.
Coach did you have other routes out of you Power-I. Where did you get most of your Power-I info from? I am trying to make sure I have everything that has power-I information covered. Thanks for info.
The play that stick describes above is exactly what we've been running for over a decade, and it's just as effective now as it was then. It's a very good playaction combo for a power offense.
In your Power-I scheme, do you run 2 TE's all the time, or do you split out an end occasionally?