Installing Today’s Hybrid Pistol Offense Run & Pass from Top to Bottom
This manual provides you with the full offensive line, receiver, and quarterback mechanics for installing each offensive play presented. Coach Campbell has left no stone unturned for implementing today’s Pistol Offense into your program.
Do any of you pair plays? What I mean is to call something like Smash check Verticles. If the QB lines up and sees Cover 2 he stays with the smash but if it's Cover three he checks to the Verticles because it's a better route vs Cov 3. Also do you check run/pass plays. Say for instance you call a dive play but the box is full and you have an uncovered WR. In the huddle you call dive check bubble so you would call check check to run the bubble play. I am curious as too what plays you pair, your communication, how the kids pick up on it, installation process etc.
first of all, on the uncovered situation it is just a automatic for us. we drill it in away that the kids just know what to do.
secondly, one of our base plays is go/switch from our 3x2 set. it is a go route to the trips side and a switch route to the backside. it is a read on the run type route based on the defensive coverages.
thridly, we do use tags on routes. usually they are b(backside) tag where we will call a frontside route vs a certain coverages then backside tag vs another coverage.