Installing Today’s Hybrid Pistol Offense Run & Pass from Top to Bottom
This manual provides you with the full offensive line, receiver, and quarterback mechanics for installing each offensive play presented. Coach Campbell has left no stone unturned for implementing today’s Pistol Offense into your program.
"Screw the thumb" into the ground. Also, we teach pitching off "the heels". What that means is the QB is "sitting" as he pitches. This allows him to absorp the blow.
Coach Lyle
Coach Lyle
Honor God - Love One Another - Hard Work - Excellence
We will teach all Qb's the thumbs down and the basketball pitch. We ask them to choose the way they are most comfortable with. In fact, some QB's I have had will bball pitch with their dominant hand and thumbs down with their off hand. They feel the thumbs down with the off hand gives them more control. The b-ball pitch with their dominant hand is like shooting a free throw. Our philosophy is whatever works, practice it that way.
We pitch with the hand up. If we are going to the right, the left hand will act as a guide and we push a soft floater with one or two revolutions to the pitch back with the right hand.
I don't know about you guys but I hate getting my QB hit so the idea of getting on the heels while pitching the ball to soften the blow seems like a bad idea. When the pitch key steps down to take the QB, our QB's plant off his foot closest to the LOS, squares his shoulders to the pitch key and pushes the ball the pitch back. We don't get bad pitches this way and we don't turn the ball over on the pitch and more importantly, the QB doesn't get jacked.
We teach thumbs down . We start with the idea of the two-handed basketball chest pass (because we have the QB coming down the line with the ball in two hands in his chest). We are planting the idea of thumbs down (mimic the two-handed chest pass motion, and the thumbs are down). We then have the QB to release the ball with one hand after the idea gets across. Once the idea is across, it's pretty much about repitition at that point.
And like Coach Lyle, we teach "sitting down" in the pitch to minimize the impact of the blow.
I respect your approach. However, the QB is a football player. If you pitch with the hand up you are opening his rib cage up. Every coach has to make a decision about approach. As Coach CAmpbell says, you must be able to correct it if it goes wrong. The "screw the thumb" into the ground is allows for an accurate pitch. But it might not be the best approach for your system. For us, making the QB a player allows us to play 11 on 11. By the way, we are a small school (28-30 players) with most of our players playing in all three areas. I have also coached in 2-platoon situations, and philosophically believe the same.
Coach Lyle
Coach Lyle
Honor God - Love One Another - Hard Work - Excellence
Coach, it has been my experience with the thumbs down approach that when you coach the kids to throttle down to get on their heels to absorb the blow they tend to duck inside to avoid the blow. This can lead to a bad pitch. I know it's a personal decision as to which approach to use but when the pitch key is attacking you there really isn't any need to throttle down....just step to the pitch back and push the ball. Even if you made a poor pitch, your QB can still be there to help recover the ball.
As much as I love and respect Coach Campbell, I know he loves the thumbs down approach, my opinion is that the basketball pitch works better. Especially at a small catholic school where many of my kids play basketball. Sorry, Coach.
Lou Cella
Head Varsity Football Coach
Greater Nanticoke Area High School (PA)